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Hair Removal – Lasers Explained

To ensure excellent results for all different combinations of hair types and skin tones, multiple laser wavelengths are required. We offer a full range of 3 laser systems and IPLs that allow us to take advantage of each technology’s strengths but not be limited by its weaknesses.

Professional hair removal requires highly skilled laser operators who are able to safely alter the following laser parameters

  • Wavelength (color of light)
  • Pulse width (shutter speed)
  • Spot size (usually in millimeters)
  • Fluency (power)


Proper selection ensures optimal destruction of the hair follicle without collateral damage to the surrounding skin.

  •  Choosing the most suitable laser wavelength is crucial as it enables safe treatment for all skin types. Light skin types respond well to the Alexandrite 755nm laser, while darker skin types respond well to the Nd Yag 1064nm laser. Diode 810nm lasers are great for medium skin types.
  • Effectively treats hair follicles with multiple depths. The base of the hair follicle can be between 2 and 7 mm below the surface of the skin, so some follicles are superficial (such as the upper lip), while others are deeper (such as the bikini). Therefore, optimal results require multiple laser wavelengths that allow the operator to target all hair follicles located at different depths.
  •  Treat different colors of hair. Effective treatment of fine, light-colored hair requires a laser that is highly attractive to melanin, such as the alexandrite 755nm laser. Darker, thicker hair responds better to the diode 810nm laser or the Nd Yag 1064nm laser.


Choosing the proper pulse width is critical as it enables the operator to target hairs of different diameters. Fine hairs heat up quickly, but cannot hold heat and require short pulse widths, usually in the 5-10ms range.

  • Thicker hairs heat more slowly and therefore require longer pulse widths, usually in the range of 40-60ms.
  •  Typically as the laser hair removal process progresses, the hair follicles will become smaller and the hair will become finer and the pulse width will need to be reduced to ensure continuous and effective treatment.


Laser spot size

Small spots are most effective for treating smaller, superficial follicles, while larger spots are ideal for deeper targets. The larger the spot size, the deeper the laser penetration.

The larger spot size also enables the operator to quickly treat larger body areas with comfort and ease.

Therefore, excellent results can be achieved with a wide range of different spot sizes.

Spot size and depth of light penetration


Laser power (Fluence)

The more powerful the laser, the better the effect. Any inexpensive low power laser system can cause temporary hair loss lasting 1-3 months. Permanent hair loss requires a high-quality laser that can generate the large amount of power needed to heat the hair follicle to 65-70 degrees Celsius, ensuring irreversible damage to the hair.

Gold standard hair removal lasers should be able to deliver the following types of energy.


  • lShort pulse duration with high peak power enables energy to be confined in smaller hair follicles.
  •  Longer pulse duration and lower peak power slowly heat larger follicles.


Using high-quality lasers with variable wavelength, variable pulse duration, variable spot size, and variable fluence enables skilled laser operators to achieve better results.

We offer lasers to all potential clients regardless of hair color, skin tone, hair thickness or follicle depth.

Most clinics in the UK use IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) for hair removal. This is often incorrectly called laser hair removal (IPL devices are not lasers, but light sources) and described as a superior method of hair removal.

It has been clinically proven that IPL is generally far less effective in specific tasks than lasers dedicated to that purpose.

A high-quality laser must be accompanied by a skilled operator for excellent results.


Because we offer a full range of laser hair removal treatments, we can really recommend the option that best suits your needs. Whatever we recommend, you can rest assured that we won’t use it because it’s all we have to offer, but because it’s the best option for you.

Post time: Aug-23-2022