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Everything you need to know about Picolris lasers

Laser technology has been developed to the point where it is possible to achieve laser pulsation at a frequency of one pulse per trillionth of a second. The picosecond frequency from which the name derives represents the cutting edge of laser technology. These pulsations are so fast that they generate energy in the form of sound rather than heat. This has implications for dermatology and melasma removal: the absence of heat bypasses the problem of thermal damage, a side effect of more traditional Q-switched laser treatments.


The procedure done with the Picolris laser has quickly become one of the most sought after cosmetic treatments. Patients with different skin types who have skin pigmentation problems are often asked for the fastest and most effective treatment to help remove unwanted dark spots and pigment from the face that make their skin look uneven. In this in-depth article, we’ll share with you everything you need to know about a picosecond or picosecond laser as it’s more commonly referred to.


Should Picolris Laser be combined with other treatments?

Why is the pulse speed of a Picolris laser so important?

Am I suitable for Picolris Laser?

What is a picosecond laser?

Laser technology has advanced to the point that laser pulsations at a frequency of one pulse per trillionth of a second are now practically possible. The picosecond frequency from which the name derives represents the cutting edge of laser technology. These pulsations are so fast that they produce energy in the form of sound (yes!) rather than heat. This has implications for dermatology and melasma removal: the absence of heat bypasses the problem of thermal damage, a side effect of more traditional Q-switched laser treatments.

The development and improvement of picosecond lasers continues as aesthetic research advances. In fact, each microlaser (individually) could be attributed to a different technology. That’s because the manufacture of such lasers doesn’t just come from one location.


How does the Picolris laser work?

Picosecond lasers work by firing laser beams on your skin with very short pulse durations. Due to its ultra-short pulse duration, picosecond laser pulses do allow more laser energy to be delivered per shot and ensure that more shots can be fired per second. A Picolris laser can be compared to an upgraded version of a Q-switched laser. Although the effectiveness of Q-switched lasers is limited by problems such as burns, blisters, hyperpigmentation, etc., especially in more complex cases that require higher power treatments. Picolris laser treatments are suitable for all skin types and skin tones.


What is the difference between picosecond and nanosecond lasers?

So what is the difference between picosecond lasers and nanosecond lasers? A nanosecond is a billionth of a second, or 1/1,000,000,000 or 10-9 seconds. Typical pulse durations for nanosecond lasers are between 5 nanoseconds and 30 nanoseconds. A picosecond is one trillionth of a second, or 1/1,000,000,000,000 or 10-12 seconds. Typical pulse durations for picosecond lasers are between 375 picoseconds and 750 picoseconds. Therefore, the pulse duration of a typical picosecond laser is 100 times shorter than that of a nanosecond machine.


Is the Picolris laser treatment painful?

Most patients find the discomfort from Picolris laser treatment to be mild and tolerable without the need for anesthesia or numbness. However, if you are nervous or sensitive to pain, you should ask for a topical numbing agent before treatment. This reduces unpleasant sensations and makes the treatment more comfortable. Picolris laser treatment is naturally non-invasive – that is, no surgery is required. Therefore, patients can expect minimal downtime.


Most patients compare the sensation of the Picolris laser to the sensation of a small rubber band flicking on the skin, but because of the larger area of ink pigment, tattoo removal may be more uncomfortable. Most patients say it’s more uncomfortable than getting a tattoo. If you are sensitive to pain, your doctor can apply a numbing cream.


Does Picolris have downtime?

Some patients report minor side effects such as dry skin and mild hyperpigmentation after each Picolris laser session. The good news is that these disappear within a few days.


Can a Picolris laser remove acne scars?

As with any beauty treatment, the goal is improvement, not perfection. While Picollis can significantly reduce acne scars, it may not completely eliminate all scars. Patients should have realistic expectations and be aware that outcomes will vary from person to person. Having said that, many patients have regained their confidence and self-esteem.


What sets the Picolris apart from other lasers is that the Picolris is a pigment laser capable of emitting a laser beam of picoseconds or trillionths of a second. These short pulses break down the pigmented ink in your skin, allowing it to lift naturally and be cleared by your body’s immune system. Picosecond lasers utilize shorter, more precise picosecond pulses, which means surrounding tissue is not damaged by the heat of each laser beam.


A 2015 study on the use of the Picolris laser for acne scars reported that after six treatments, patients were very satisfied with the improvement in appearance and texture at the final treatment and follow-up. According to the researchers, the results were similar to those of a series of partial ablative laser treatments.


Improvements in acne scars are usually permanent. The anti-aging and rejuvenating effects are long-lasting, but different patients’ rates of aging and lifestyle can have a large impact on the longevity of Picorris treatment outcomes. After the first round of treatment, many patients receive complementary color treatments every six months to maintain results.

Post time: Aug-19-2022