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Can walking every day help you lose weight?

Whether you’re trying to start walking to lose weight or just to improve your overall health, getting out for some fresh air will always have many benefits for your physical and mental health.


Every year, thousands of people learn how to start running in an attempt to lose weight. While this is undoubtedly a great workout for your cardiovascular fitness, it can be a daunting task for your body if you’re starting at a relatively low fitness level. Walking, on the other hand, is a gentle activity on the joints and bones that will allow you to enhance your fitness (if you will) before taking it to the next level. 


Walking is great for your health, but walking probably won’t make you lose much weight. Most people have to change their eating habits when they want to lose weight. When it comes to losing weight, we must remember that diet is the key, otherwise known as creating a calorie deficit, to lose weight you need to burn more calories throughout the day than through food and drink. This calorie expenditure can include exercise such as walking, but how many calories you burn each day also depends on two other factors that make up your total daily energy expenditure: Your resting energy expenditure, which is the number of calories you burn through everyday bodily functions such as breathing , and the number of calories burned through the thermic effect of food (i.e. digestion and metabolism).


So while exercise is important, it won’t contribute the most to your calorie burn throughout the day. To understand how many calories you should be eating to reach a deficit, you need to know your maintenance level. According to a review by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, consuming 300 to 500 calories per day below this level can lead to substantial and sustainable weight loss over time.

When it comes to long-term weight loss, sustainability is paramount, our experts say. The exercises you do to help you create this calorie deficit must be those you can imagine yourself maintaining over the long term. It’s all about finding balance at the end of the day, can walking 30 minutes a day help you lose weight? Yes, if your 30-minute walk helps put you in a calorie deficit, then you can lose weight.


According to Harvard Medical School, walking for half an hour burns an average of 135 to 189 calories. Using the aforementioned calorie deficit of 300 to 500 calories per day, the daily short-distance walking burns almost half of the total weekly calorie deficit. So combining daily walking with one of these effective diets can help you lose weight — at least in the short term.

However, you can’t guarantee that you’ll burn a certain amount of calories every time you go out for a walk. There are a variety of factors that affect how many calories you burn in a workout, including speed, distance, and incline. Increasing any of these three factors will result in greater calorie burn and, therefore, may help you achieve your weight loss goals more.

Generally, people need more than 30 minutes of exercise to make any substantial changes to their bodies. At least 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity per week is recommended for the broader benefits of walking — such as a reduced risk of heart disease or stroke — as well as weight loss. Their guidance recommends: “Adults should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity per week.”


Often seen as the first pillar in a running guide, a run/walk strategy involves walking at a fast but comfortable pace for 30 minutes each day. After 2 to 3 weeks of doing this, you can start running/walking interval splits.

This interval training is the most effective way to start running, starting with a 5-minute warm-up of brisk walking, followed by running and walking at intervals. For example: run for 30 seconds, then walk for 2 minutes. The goal is to repeat this for 10-20 minutes, then walk for 5 minutes to cool off. Over time, you can slowly increase your running intervals and start decreasing your walking intervals. For example, you can run for up to 3 minutes and walk for 1 minute over time. This process can not be rushed, slow and steady to win the game. Remember that everyone’s rate of progress will be different.


How long does it take to walk to see results?

Walking — or any exercise — will begin to transform the body in just a few months. But as the saying goes, nothing worth having comes easily. To see significant results in a short period of time, research shows that people who want to lose weight should exercise at least an hour a day at a moderate intensity. The study included 52 obese male participants who lost an average of 7.5 kilograms after three months of exercise. Also interestingly, the participants who exercised every day lost an average of 1.3 kilograms more than those on the diet-only weight loss program.


Is it better to run or walk to lose weight?

At the end of the day, running is better for weight loss because it allows you to burn more calories in less time.

While a 60-kg woman may burn 100 to 120 calories while walking for 30 minutes, if she runs at moderate intensity for 30 minutes, she may burn up to 280 calories. But she said there was definitely nothing wrong with walking. While running may burn more calories, if you prefer walking and are more likely to go out for a walk than running, you should stick with it. At the end of the day, exercise is the most important thing.

There are many benefits of walking outside of weight loss that are sure to make you feel happier and healthier. If you want to reduce stress on your joints or muscles, walking may be a better option. For those who are starting with a very low baseline fitness level, or for those who are going through a very stressful week mentally and want to reduce the stress load on their body by doing some gentle walking instead of high-intensity running, It’s also great. Both walking and running are great for your overall health, mindset, and weight loss goals. The better option for you will depend on your current baseline fitness level, schedule and fitness.


Can walking reduce belly?

It’s impossible to “partially reduce” body fat, and while there are guidelines on how to lose belly fat specifically, you have to lose fat in all parts of your body to lose weight in one place. If you train one of your arms through resistance training, you may see the muscles that are exercised become more hypertrophic than the muscles that are not exercised, but fat works in a different way.


If you don’t have time to run, you can also choose our weight loss products.

Post time: Mar-24-2022