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Body Sculpting FAQs

How many Emsculpt sessions do you need?

Fitness trainers like to say that working hard is the only way to get the body you’ve always wanted. But for some of us, sweating for hours in the gym doesn’t always mean our bodies adjust the way we want. It’s a simple fact that sometimes getting the body of your dreams means a healthy lifestyle and cosmetic treatment choices to solve problems that hard work can’t.


What is body contouring?

Body contouring or sculpting is an umbrella term for any cosmetic treatment that helps shape the body to look in a certain way. Many times, body sculpting is accomplished through various high-tech methods to remove excess fat, skin, and cellulite from the body. These methods can be surgical, minimally invasive or non-invasive.


Body sculpting is often used to address issues that cannot be changed by regular lifestyle habits such as diet and exercise. For many of us, there are several roadblocks that prevent us from losing weight where we want.


Hormones, aging and genetic susceptibility are all reasons why unwanted fat refuses to move away from the neck, arms, abdomen, buttocks and thighs. With body sculpting, you can put your hard work to the test and make it easier to stay in the shape you want.


What are the benefits of body sculpting?

Getting the body you want and eventually leaving the gym isn’t the only benefit of this treatment. In fact, there are many benefits you may not have considered, such as saving time, minimizing your frustration with your body, and boosting your self-esteem.


For most patients, these benefits are enough for them to try and start cosmetic treatments. Here are some other benefits of this type of treatment:


Improve stubborn areas

Every body has places where fat and cellulite refuse to go away. It happens to everyone. It’s common for women to store stubborn fat in their hips, thighs, and abdomen, especially as the effects of aging and hormonal changes begin to show.


It can be frustrating that these stubborn spots never seem to go away no matter how many squats and crunches you do. Body sculpting therapy can easily improve these stubborn areas within weeks or months.


No matter where your stubborn spots are, these treatments are effective in removing excess body fat and perfecting your physique. These treatments also smoothen stubborn cellulite and tighten sagging skin on the body that resists conditioning.


Use safe technology

Body sculpting therapy is a very safe technique. Treatments in our office are rigorously clinically tested and FDA approved. Many times these techniques are far safer than crash diets or taking uncertain supplements that boost your metabolism.


Body sculpting cosmetic treatments are usually done on the surface of the skin to promote the body’s natural regenerative abilities, so these treatments are natural and safe.


lasting results

While diet and exercise are obviously good habits that you should develop for your health, usually, your body hits a plateau at some point. These plateaus may mean that your lifestyle habits are no longer effective, or that your body regresses faster to where you started, meaning the results of your hard work may not last long.


Body sculpting treatments are different. Because of the techniques and techniques used to contour the body, body grooming treatments often have reliable and long-lasting results. When performed by skilled hands and combined with a healthy lifestyle, body sculpting treatments can last for months or even years at a time.


What is body contouring treatment?

In our office, we specialize in a variety of treatments from the face to the knees to contour the entire body. We believe in providing compassionate and comprehensive care, which means helping you choose the body sculpting therapy that best suits your needs. Below are some contouring treatments that may be part of your personalized treatment plan.



This treatment is suitable for fitness enthusiasts who need a little extra help to tone stubborn areas of the body such as abs, buttocks and thighs. Emsculpt works by using electromagnetic energy to stimulate powerful muscle contractions, shaping the body into stunning and defined shapes.


Emsculpt is a non-invasive treatment that creates muscle contouring from the outside in faster than the muscle you gain after spending hours in the gym.


How many Emsculpt sessions do you need?

For Emsculpt to produce the desired results, for most patients, 2 to 4 sessions spaced about 3 days apart in two weeks is usually sufficient to sculpt the body into the exact shape you want.


Treatment sessions with Emsculpt typically take 30 minutes to complete, but may take more or less time depending on the body part being treated.


Emssulpting is performed using non-invasive laser technology, which instantly melts fat from the body. Emssulpting is ideal for treating multiple areas of concern, including the chin, arms, abdomen, buttocks and thighs.


Why do lasers work?

Lasers used in cosmetic treatments have solved many aesthetic problems. Laser technology uses a specific amount of heat to stimulate the body’s natural ability, which can mean melting fat deposits and inducing collagen production.


Lasers can be used to contour the body, smooth the skin, reduce the appearance of scars, and improve the appearance of fine lines or wrinkles. This treatment contours excess fat on the cheeks, chin, and upper neck, as well as tightens the skin on the forehead, around the eyes, near the mouth, and on the chin line.


Why shape your face?

Some people have a genetic predisposition to store excess fat under the cheeks and chin. The traditional method of removing this fat is usually surgery, but with radiofrequency treatment, this fat can be shaped into the desired shape.


Facial contouring is often used to restore a younger or healthier appearance. Facial contouring can also make those with baby faces look more mature and create more definition.


Why does thermal energy work?

Because of its unparalleled efficacy, heat is a key component of many anti-aging beauty treatments. The deep heat beneath the skin’s surface stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, the two main proteins responsible for firm, youthful skin.


When aging reduces the production of these natural proteins, heat from a non-invasive treatment can give your body the kick it needs to restore its regenerative abilities.

What happens before, during and after treatment?

Many patients are curious to know what to expect before, during and after body contouring treatment. Regardless of which contouring treatment is part of your personalized treatment plan, every patient follows the same steps from consultation to recovery. Here’s what you can expect from our in-office treatments:



Once we have identified the right treatment for you and developed your individualized treatment plan, you will begin the treatment session. Most body contouring cosmetic treatments are performed within 2 to 4 weeks and last 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the number of areas treated.


We may give you specific instructions so that your treatment is as effective as possible. We may recommend that you drink a certain amount of water or take any medicine or supplement we prescribe to you. We may also recommend that you temporarily stop using certain products.



Recovery from these treatments will vary, depending on the method used to shape the body. Treatments in our office have virtually zero downtime, which means you can usually return to your normal daily activities immediately after treatment.


You may experience some soreness or redness at the treatment area during treatment, but these temporary side effects will subside within hours or days after treatment.


When will you see results?

For many patients, you will first notice the results of the contouring treatment about 2 to 3 weeks after your last session. The results of these treatments can last for months or even years, depending on the area treated and the method used. We will discuss exactly what you expect when we finalize the treatments used in your treatment plan.


Who is the ideal candidate?

The ideal candidate for a contouring treatment is anyone who wants to improve their overall appearance. If you’re struggling with troublesome parts of your body that don’t respond to diet and exercise, these treatments are great options for you to consider. These treatments are suitable for men and women of any age.


Have the body you want with body contouring

You can have the body you want without sweat and tears. Time to get out of the gym and start over with your life.

Post time: Sep-09-2022